CATS Cambridge Graduation 2024

CATS Cambridge Graduation 2024 brought together our Class of 2024 with their teachers, family and friends to celebrate their achievements and progress during their studies. Held in nearby St Andrew’s Church, our graduating A Level, UFP and GCSE classes participated in this annual tradition, which includes speeches, performances and a prize-giving ceremony. Graduation proceedings began […]

Celebrating Unity in Diversity: International Day at CATS Cambridge

This year, we celebrated our International Day on Thursday, 2nd May. The event took place both inside the school and on the school grounds, and it truly belonged to the student body. The simple remit was to share and celebrate food, music, celebrations, and customs from home countries. It’s a day cherished by many students […]

CATS Cambridge Alumni Event Success

Five of our alumni strolled back through the doors of CATS Cambridge on a sunny Friday morning. After signing in, they were warmly welcomed back by CATS Cambridge Principal, Dominic Tomalin, who also saw them through their own studies years before. “It was wonderful to host our past students back on campus. They have each […]

Model United Nations at CATS Cambridge

CATS Cambridge is excited to be hosting the CIFE* Model United Nations. The Model United Nations will be a great chance for students to engage in topical and nuanced debates while flexing their critical thinking skills. It’s expected 80 delegates from different independent schools will be in attendance. What is a Model United Nations? The […]

Students visit St John’s College for Year 11 Girls in Maths Day

In 2023, to celebrate one century of their mathematical society, St John’s College, University of Cambridge hosted a Year 11 Girls in Maths Day. It proved such a roaring success they decided to host the event again this year, inviting six young mathematician’s from CATS Cambridge to join them for a day of inspirational talks, […]

CATS Cambridge Send Top Mathematicians to Inter-school Maths Challenge

A group of top maths students from CATS Cambridge travelled to Northampton to take part in the CATS Global Schools Inter-school Maths Challenge, hosted this year at Bosworth Independent School. At the school students were joined by the current trophy holders from Guildhouse School London. Both schools are part of the wider group of CATS […]

Mini Golf at CATS Cambridge

Join us on the CATS Cambridge (mini) Pro Tour as our usually chilled common room is transformed into a challenging and tropical miniature golf course. We strive for excellence at all times at CATS Cambridge. This can take shape in many ways, from intellectual discussions and challenging course materials to engaging extra-curriculars and exciting trips. […]

A Merry Christmas from CATS Cambridge

Christmas is nearly upon us and many of our students are travelling home to enjoy the break and celebrations with their loved ones. However, there have been lots of events and activities happening around Cambridge. This meant our students still got a chance to experience the joy of a traditional British Christmas.  Before we dive […]

Inspiring Visit from Lord Woolley, Principal of Homerton College

On Wednesday 2nd November CATS Cambridge was abuzz with anticipation. Students filled the lecture hall, packing every seat down to the very last step. There was a hum of conversation in the room, which faded down to silence as the man of the hour arrived.   Lord Simon Woolley stepped up to the podium, in front […]

GCSE Results 2023: Prepared For The Future

“I congratulate all of our GCSE students being awarded their results today. 100% of our History grades are A* and 100% of our Art and Design grades are A* as well. We’re proud of the strong academic foundation that our GCSE students have laid down and wish them only greater heights of success as their […]

Packing Tips for Studying Abroad

CATS Cambridge is so excited to welcome our new students this September. To make sure your new adventure has the best possible start we’ve created a list of things you can’t forget to pack before jetting off. This will help ensure your journey to the UK runs smoothly and you have everything you need to […]

Cambridge’s Local Literary Hero

When you walk through Cambridge you often, unknowingly, retrace the footsteps of world changing individuals who once lived here, from Watson and Crick to Stephen Hawking. But in the spirit of National Book Lovers Day we cannot recommend retracing the footsteps of anyone other than Rupert Brooke, a local literary hero. Brooke arrived in Cambridge […]

Graduation 2023

16th of June was the perfect day to graduate. Above students’ heads was a cloudless blue sky and in front of them was a beautiful stone church, that has stood in the community since the 1200’s. Today they would add their own piece of history to it. Proud parents, siblings and other family members streamed […]

Why Cambridge? The Benefits of Studying Here!

Famous for its world-class university and beautiful scenery, Cambridge is a hub of academic excellence. Students and educators travel from around the world for the opportunity to work, study and live in this renowned city. Amongst students, Cambridge is generally known for its quiet and focused atmosphere, however that doesn’t mean there isn’t lots going […]

Chariots of Fire 2023

Congratulations to students and staff who competed Cambridge’s annual Chariots of Fire race to raise money for Arthur Rank Hospice.

Adopting a flavoursome approach to making feedback moreish

No one doubts that feedback is a powerful tool within the learning process. In many respects it is critical to enabling progression. Several projects being conducted by the CATS Cambridge research community suggest that getting feedback right, and ensuring that it is understood and applied requires a highly nuanced individualised approach. Successful feedback is argued […]

Cross Cultural [Mis]communication

For my CamSTAR Research project, I will be looking at how we can make visible (explicit) the invisible (implicit)cultural boundaries impacting the effectiveness of feedback. David Didau makes us aware of the input/output myth “what we teach is what students learn”. (Didau, D. 2013). When we give feedback, we expect students to receive this feedback […]