Packing Tips for Studying Abroad

CATS Cambridge is so excited to welcome our new students this September.

To make sure your new adventure has the best possible start we’ve created a list of things you can’t forget to pack before jetting off. This will help ensure your journey to the UK runs smoothly and you have everything you need to make the most of your first term at CATS Cambridge.

  • Memories. A memento of home will be the most important thing you pack. This will look different for everyone, some people might bring photos of their friends and family, while others might pack a favourite soft toy to accompany them on this international adventure. If you ever feel homesick, you’ll have these there to make you smile.
  • Pack light! We know it is tempting to pack every clothing item you own so you are covered for any possible situation (meeting the king or a school trip to the moon). However, the best thing to do is to look at the term ahead and think about what you might need for the specific trips and events coming up.
  • More Power to You. Whatever you do, don’t forget your chargers. You’ll need them to power up your phone, laptop and any other electronics you plan on bringing with you. A UK Plug adaptor is something you’ll need to bring with you too. Sockets in the UK will probably be different from your home country.
  • Papers Please. To make your journey as easy as possible organise your documents well in advance of your trip. Make sure you have your visa documents, flight documents, passport and school offer letter organised and filed safely in your luggage. For optimal convenience have these in a plastic wallet stored in an easily accessible location, like the front pocket of your carry on.  
  • Signature Scents. Don’t forget your toiletries bag. Moving abroad means you might not be able to get your favourite cosmetics or perfumes as easily as you can at home. Have a look and check if your favourite products are on sale in the UK or if you need to pack extra.

We’ll leave you with a final bonus tip: you will leave CATS Cambridge with more than you arrived with. You’ll make new friends, learn new things, and explore a new city during your first term, meaning you’re bound to pick up some souvenirs and new mementos!

Following our packing guide will help make sure you have everything you need to make the most of your first term here at CATS Cambridge.

Here at CATS Cambridge, staff make every effort to ensure students feel welcome, safe and happy while studying here. They run numerous clubs and activities to help students achieve this. Our staff go above and beyond to help students settle into their life and education in Cambridge.

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