Moving Abroad for your Studies – How to Settle into Studying in the UK

Are you thinking of studying at an International School in the UK? Maybe you are starting your studies soon and nervous about moving away from home. We are here to provide you with some tips to settle in quickly and avoid feeling homesick during your international study experience.  

Moving away from home is exciting, but can also be nerve-wracking, especially if it’s your first time being away from your friends and family for a long period.  We have come up with some top tips for you to keep handy for your UK study adventure! 

Explore Activities 

Taking part in activities organised by your school is a great way to make new friends and even find some new hobbies. This will take your mind off feeling homesick or lonely and will allow you to settle in more quickly by making new friends. At CATS Cambridge, we have a wide range of activities suitable for all students. You can explore the full list here.  

Sentimental items  

Bringing sentimental items or photographs from home to decorate your room when you arrive can be a nice way of bringing a piece of home to your new school. It will make your accommodation feel more homely and allow you to settle in much quicker. 

Stay in Touch  

Staying in touch with home with a weekly facetime or phone call is incredibly important for your mental health whilst studying abroad. Although you may miss your family and friends when you speak to them, having a chat with those closest to you will boost your mood if you’re feeling particularly homesick. Once you arrive, fix a time with your family/friends to speak once a week (taking into account the time difference of course!)  

Keep Talking  

Most importantly of all, it is incredibly important to keep talking about how you’re feeling. Your Personal Tutor, House Parent or the Welfare team will always be happy to listen and offer advice. At CATS Cambridge, we are committed to creating a safe, inclusive and supportive education environment. 

It’s important to remember, almost everyone feels homesick at some stage when they are away from home. Whether that’s for a short period of time or a long period of time – you are not alone in feeling this way. Hopefully, these tips will help you settle into your studies abroad and make the most of every moment during your experience!  

At CATS Cambridge, we aim to provide students with a home-from-home experience, providing a safe and secure boarding experience where students can feel comfortable. We offer two accommodation options for ages 14+ to cater for whatever students need from their boarding experience.

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