Black History Month – Saluting Our Sisters

Black History Month is a celebration of black history and culture, remembering the contributions of black African and Caribbean people to the UK and celebrating impactful black historical figures. Black History Month happens throughout the UK every October. The month carries a theme that narrows focus and draws attention to a specific area, theme or […]
Saluting Our Sisters

Mona Baptiste Mona Baptiste was just one of 300 women who arrived on the HMT Empire Windrush, which carried over 1000 migrants in total. She was listed as a clerk, however this seems to have been disingenuous, as at the time of her arrival she was already an established blues singer in Trinidad. Baptiste had […]
Women in Engineering Day: The Facts!

Women in engineering have changed the world, despite being underrepresented in the field. We looked at facts surrounding female engineers.
Tips for Managing Exam Stress

Exams are important but the usually leave us feeling stressed. These are some of the ways we can help ourselves to manage exam stress…
Tips for Studying Abroad

The idea of studying abroad be scary. But those brave enough to take the plunge are rewarded with a once in a lifetime experience…
Mental Health Resources
Managing Anxiety Mike Armiger, education and mental health advisor, provides some simple and practical ways to help teachers and education staff manage anxiety. (Education Support) Wellbeing activities: being kind to yourself Explore loneliness and anxiety through wellbeing activities that help children and young people be kind to themselves (British Red Cross) Managing Anxiety Mike Armiger, […]